Nossa educação foi direcionada para uma vida perfeita, pautada em valores morais, pessoais e hábitos, religiosos e tradicionais, onde aprendemos que só o que é correto, deve ser praticado. Porém, esqueceram de nos ensinar que nem sempre o que é certo pra mim, por ser confortável, seria a verdade absoluta ou aceito pelos outros.
Também, nao foi ensinado que algumas circunstancias adversas poderiam mudar toda a trajetória de uma vida em contruçao, e que a adaptaçao seria tao complexa.
As pessoas se preocupam com detalhes tao pequenos e nao se dao conta de coisas grandiosas que estao visiveis e deveriam ser observadas e valorizadas.
A pergunta mais frequente depois do acidente é se voltarei a andar, seguida por, se a funçao sexual foi preservada. Isso mostra qual o quesito básico para uma relaçao, seja ela afetiva ou nao.
O paraplégico nescessita conviver com várias limitacoes; O sistema digestivo é lento devido a posicao do corpo .A circulacao sanguinea também é lenta pela ausencia de exercicios dos membros inferiores, onde a panturrilha funciona como uma segunda "bomba" do corpo, auxiliando o coracao em seu trabalho no retorno venoso.
Consequentemente, surgem os problemas com as funçoes sexuais. A ausencia da sensibilidade superficial causa dificuldades na ereçao. Em alguns casos nao se tem ereçao psicogenica, mas a reflexa pode ter sido preservada. Além disso existem varios estimulantes que garantem uma vida sexual ativa e saudável.
Em minha estada no sarah, conheci incriveis histórias de casais que se conheceram depois de uma lesao medular. Hoje tem filhos e levam uma vida feliz com muito amor e respeito.
Claro que nesse caso só constroem, ou continuam em um relacionemento, pessoas que verdadeiramente se amam. É nescessario que temha uma alma sarada, resolvida e sem preconceitos, principalmente por parte do lesionado.
Life of paraplegic and some particular
Our education was directed to a perfect life, based on moral values, and personal habits, religious and traditional, where we learned that only what is right, should be practiced. However, they forgot to teach us that sometimes what is right for me, being comfortable, it would be the absolute truth or accepted by others.Also, was not taught that some adverse circumstances could change the entire trajectory of a life in construction, and that the adaptation would be so complex.People worry about details as small and do not realize the great things that are visible and should be seen and valued.The most common question then is whether the accident will walk again by then, if the sexual function was preserved. This shows how the basic item for a relationship, whether emotional or not.The paraplegic Its needs to live with many limitations; The digestive system is slow because the position of the body. The blood circulation is also slow by the absence of lower limb exercises, where the calf muscle acts as a second "bomb" in the body, assisting the heart in his work on venous return.Consequently, there are problems with sexual functions. The absence of superficial sensitivity causes difficulty with erection. In some cases it has not psychogenic erection, but the reflex may have been preserved. In addition there are several stimulants that ensure a healthy and active sex life.In my time at Sarah, I met incredible stories of couples who met after a spinal cord injury. Today we have children and lead a happy life with much love and respect.Surely that only build, or continue in a relacionemento, people who truly love each other. You need to have a soul healed, resolved and without bias, particularly by the victim.
Life of paraplegic and some particular
Our education was directed to a perfect life, based on moral values, and personal habits, religious and traditional, where we learned that only what is right, should be practiced. However, they forgot to teach us that sometimes what is right for me, being comfortable, it would be the absolute truth or accepted by others.Also, was not taught that some adverse circumstances could change the entire trajectory of a life in construction, and that the adaptation would be so complex.People worry about details as small and do not realize the great things that are visible and should be seen and valued.The most common question then is whether the accident will walk again by then, if the sexual function was preserved. This shows how the basic item for a relationship, whether emotional or not.The paraplegic Its needs to live with many limitations; The digestive system is slow because the position of the body. The blood circulation is also slow by the absence of lower limb exercises, where the calf muscle acts as a second "bomb" in the body, assisting the heart in his work on venous return.Consequently, there are problems with sexual functions. The absence of superficial sensitivity causes difficulty with erection. In some cases it has not psychogenic erection, but the reflex may have been preserved. In addition there are several stimulants that ensure a healthy and active sex life.In my time at Sarah, I met incredible stories of couples who met after a spinal cord injury. Today we have children and lead a happy life with much love and respect.Surely that only build, or continue in a relacionemento, people who truly love each other. You need to have a soul healed, resolved and without bias, particularly by the victim.
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